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Dear Supporters:


The mission of Myliteracy, Inc., is to promote and increase the literacy level in the general population by developing educational and literacy services, resources and programs. Myliteracy, Inc., activities are designed to bring awareness to educational and literacy issues that affect people on a daily basis regardless of social and economic standing.


One of our objectives is to show the benefit of learning together as a family. The concept of family learning together must be continuously discussed, examined and expanded upon. It is our belief that students will have greater success if an opportunity is afforded for participation together as a family unit.


Many children and adults in our community want help but are reluctant to seek it. This trend must end. Studies and statistics show the earlier a child is exposed to educational awareness the better they will perform in the long run.


The time has come for parents and educators to accept responsibility and work together in creating 21st century skilled students.


Our efforts don’t stop with promoting family learning; it is also our desire to instill pride, morality, self-awareness, respect for self and respect for family.


Education will always be the cornerstone for growth in America. Help us with our mission.


I look forward to hearing from you today.



Glover Jones

Glover E. Jones

Executive Director 


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